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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chapter 3: Rebirth

Ruin, Shape Changer Village

X ran through the village in the form of a deer. Ruin, his home, was a series of buildings built into a large cave. X had lived here his entire life, and had never once left. He had always wanted to leave, but he feared the outside world. X had heard tales of horrible beasts outside.

Due to his ability to shape change, it would normally be no problem to become something fierce to scare off the animals. However, X was not familiar with any strong creatures and could never properly change into one.

Several times he had nearly transformed into a bear, but the form was sloppy and fell apart quickly. Today was an interesting day though. He saw a bear at the edge of Ruin and was able to study it.

Now he had the form memorized in his head and X was excited. He ran around Ruin as a deer due to this excitement. Now he had the opportunity to leave. But this was a big decision. Should he leave? Or should he stay?

“Someone seems anxious.” said a Shape Changer in the form of an eagle looking upon the city.

“Oh its nothing.” X responded. “I just have some stuff on my mind. Just trying to think some stuff through.” His tone was more nervous than he first thought.

“Well just make sure not to act too suspicious. I hear that a messenger may be coming to this city. We wouldn’t want to scare off a member of the other races, now would we?” said the eagle sarcastically.

In Shape Changer society the other races were considered weaker. Not because they couldn’t change their form, but because most of them never mastered the form they were in for their entire life. This was an odd concept to understand for Shape Changers. How could you not master your full potential being in the same form all the time? Most Shape Changers could not comprehend it.

X at this time decided to make a dangerous decision. This messenger could bring trouble to Ruin. If he left now, he could avoid the messenger and get away. He would finally be able to escape into the outer world.

With a burst of courage he bounded forth out of the cave and transformed. His body became elastic and he felt his muscles and bone stretch. The feeling was pleasurable as he was stretching outwards. Contracting into a smaller form was the painful transformation. X’s body quickly settled and the fur grew from his body while his claws emerged.

Being a bear was incredible. He could not believe the power contained within himself and the beauty of the outside world. He had never known it, but right outside of the cave past a few trees was a pond.

X stared into the calm waters and was immediately glad he had decided to leave. He felt a warm sense of joy and a rush of excitement. X continued on through the forest, observing everything.

Occasionally he would come across a smaller animal who would run from him. This feeling was an odd one to X. No one had ever been scared of him before, and the terror in the animals gave him a sense of guilt.

For hours he roamed around the forest, avoiding this feeling and trying to take in the joys of the outer world. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the feeling. The looming guilt was tearing away at him.

He did not have time to sort out his feelings however, as he quickly plummeted through the ground. He heard a snap, and the twigs beneath him cracked. The hole was gigantic and he fell down so far that he could no longer see the sky. He was surrounded in pure darkness when he hit the ground.

X quickly gathered himself and looked around. He was standing on an odd goop of some sort. This was not a solid substance he noted as he began to sink in. This was not quicksand, for it was semi-clear and sparkled. Whatever it was, it had grabbed his claws and pulled them downward.

Panicking X tried to transform into a bird and fly away, however as he detached his muscles and flesh he noticed they would not move. His body was now being stretched downwards. X struggled, but he was continuously stretched and pulled downwards.

He soon found himself submerged and somehow still able to breathe. The goo did not enter his lungs, and seemed to give off breathable air. As he fell he began to feel an expanded consciousness. X’s eyes closed and he could feel the land around him. He could feel the forest above, the creatures moving about the earth, and the movements of Terra itself.

Suddenly he knew what this was. This was magic. Pure magic, which had gathered here. This was a dangerous situation, but yet he felt calm. Everyone knew pure magic was unstable and anyone who came into contact with it would usually die or go insane.

However, X felt calm. The magic felt like it was becoming one with him instead of harming him. His mind continued to expand he could feel Ruin now. He could “see” the Shape Changers. What was happening to him?

“You are changing. You are becoming Wordly. No. You are becoming more than that.” said a voice from within.

“Who are you?” X asked in his mind.

“In a way I am everything. Yet in another way I am you. I am both and neither at once. And this is all a result of my lifeblood.”

“Your lifeblood?” X asked again.

“Magic is the lifeblood of the World. It is what allows it to live and survive, and now you are swimming within it. So in a way, you, are part of the World. World itself.”

“I...understand.” X said strangely. This consciousness from within was merging with him. The feeling was odd. This was all happening so suddenly, and he knew this, yet it felt like an eternity. X understood it all with complete clarity.

“What will happen to me?” he asked himself.

“Once you have finished your transformation, you will return to the world. Of your own will.” replied his mind.

“Transformation? Into what? And of my own will? If that is true..then why can’t I leave right now?”

The consciousness responded. “You are becoming a user of magic. Something very powerful. The Divines will not be able to stop you. And you will leave of your own will. That will be when your transformation is complete.”

X understood again with complete clarity. Once he had attained enough magical energy he would be able to leave. But not yet. So X waited. Time passed, he knew every second (it was exactly 3 minutes and 52 seconds), and then he knew. An alarm of sorts went off in his head and he knew he was ready.

With a thought, the world shifted into a blur and then sorted itself out. He was standing outside the hole as a bear once more. He stared down and was able to see the pool of magic with his now superior vision.

“I can’t let anyone else be exposed to such power.” he thought to himself.

With a thought he closed the passage. The earth shook as large rocks shifted to block it. Unconsciously, he even placed a curse upon this place. Anyone who came near would immediately want to leave.

X was amazed by his new powers. “What am I to do now?” he asked himself. With a stray thought he found himself back in Ruin staring at an elf. It was the messenger as he could tell by the clothing.

“ come due to the orders of Queen Slzin.” X said reading the mind of the messenger.

“That is correct. I have an important messenger for the leader of the Shape Changers.”

“He does not reside here. But I will be happy to pass through our territory and deliver the message.”

“I am unsure if I can trust you. This was my task, and I must see it through.” the messenger replied nervously.

“Give me the message.” X said intensely. The magic took care of the rest. The elf handed him a letter. “Now, begone.” and with a flash, the elf disappeared.

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