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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chapter 6: Meeting

Thevor hacked and slashed through the demons. The Heldum Blade was unstoppable. No enemy could defeat him. And for hours he fought on and on, ignoring the toll it was taking on his body. Thevor Onrad was in a rage due to what happened to the general.

Conflict was his enemy. It always struck those near him. When he was a child his family was slaughtered when there was an invasion of Cormund by the elves. It was a short battle, and the elves were of a rebel group, but it was still conflict.

He could not help but remember this as he fought. Even when enemies got close, his body reacted automatically. Nothing could touch him and he was almost at peace. He had time to contemplate the power of the blade.

Thevor yelled at himself. This is pointless. No matter how many I slaughter, their numbers are too great. The battlefield was still full of demons, dragons, humans, elves, and now it seemed the Scalons had arrived.

From across the battlefield Thevor spotted it. A shining blade being wielded by a Scalon. Somehow he knew it was a Heldum Blade.

“There is more than one?” he asked himself. “What are these...” he wondered looking at it. Thevor Onrad made his way towards the Scalon.

“Scalon!” he yelled as he approached.

Divarus turned towards him and saw a human wielding a Heldum Blade. “Have you been chosen to?”

“Yes.” Onrad replied thinking he was referring to Stormrage giving him permission to wield the sword. However, Divarus was wondering if an Avatar had given him the blade.

“How long have you possessed this blade?” Divartus asked wondering if they had been chosen at the same time, or if he was the last. Perhaps he was the first.

“Not two hours ago.”

The Scalon nodded. He then noted a demon advancing. “We have no more time to talk.”

The Scalon leapt forward to attack and to his surprise the two Heldum Blades emitted a powerful light. A large sword was created from this light and it slashed the demon in half before exploding into a burst of light rays.

“What was that?” Divarus asked.

“I have no blade has never done that before.”

“The blades seemed to share their power...” Divarus observed. “Perhaps their true power lies in them being together.”

“Are there only two?” Thevor asked.

“I do not know. However the legends spoke of ten blades. If so, I can not imagine the power of all ten together.”

It was then that the two noticed a circle of demons had formed around them. They all looked afraid as they observed the two Heldum Blades. Then from behind them came a roar.

“Clear the way!” it roared. And from the crowd stepped forth a gigantic eight foot demon. And in his hand was a Heldum Blade.

“You two shall fall. Even if we all wield the power of Heldum..I will destroy you!” he yelled rushing forward. He swung the blade, but the blade simply shrunk into a ball of light and missed.

“What on Terra?” he exclaimed. He attempted to strike at Divarus again. Then again. And again.

“The Blades don’t harm their allies.” Divarus explained. “You can not use that weapon to destroy us.”

“Fine! I don’t need this useless weapon...” the demon said as he threw it aside. He then pulled out an adamantium blade and attempted to strike with that. However, the Heldum Blade flew through the air and blocked the blade.

“No matter how hard you try...that blade won’t let you hit us.” said the Scalon smiling as he looked at the Heldum Blade.

“Grah!” the demon snorted. “Then one of lowly soldiers. Finish them off!” The crowd did not react to this at all. They were all too afraid to approach.

“Destroy them!” he screamed. Again no one listened.

“You weaklings! Do as I say!”

From above came a laugh. The Heldum Warriors looked up to see a man with a grey cloak floating above them. “You aren’t worthy of such power, Zorrith.”

“How do you know my name?” Zorrith said surprised.

“Oh there is no point in explaining. You won’t be able to remember once I kill you.”

The Heldum Blade on the ground rose into the air and plunged itself through Zorrith after the man made a slight motion with his hand.

“How in the world did he get his hand on such a weapon...” pondered the stranger.

“Who are you?” Thevor asked.

“My name is X. I am a Dimensional Mage, and I am here to oversee the coming war.”

“Coming war? It is already here.” exclaimed Thevor.

“This is only the start. And so far you two are failing as saviors. You won’t be able to defeat the Chaos Lord with your shoddy skills.”

The two Heldum Warriors tried to speak, but X silenced them. “Go and train now. When you have become real warriors...return to finish this battle.”

X exploded in a massive burst of light that spread across the sky and created a gigantic dome over the battlefield. Divarus and Thevor were teleported outside of the dome.

Inside, they saw an incredulous sight. Everyone was frozen. The battle had stopped. “Did he just...freeze time?” Divarus asked.

“I don’t know what he did...but I think it is best if we listen to him.”

“You think we should just abandon the battle to go and train?”

Thevor stared at the frozen armies. “It isn’t a battle when no one moves...”

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